Conversion Meant Everything

A Quick, Secure
And Transparent

Your success is my priority, and I go the extra mile to ensure the best results. Let’s make your financial journey smooth and stress-free!

The most EXCITING word - "APPROVED"

I handle every
case with 100%
Focus & Dedication

I know it’s not always easy to get a booking. Let me take care of it for you, so you can focus on what matters most.

Regular Status Update

I’ll keep you regularly updated on the loan process, so you’ll always know where things stand and what to expect next.

High Conversion

Maximizing every possibility to ensure that every case has the best chance for approval and a successful, timely outcome.

Quick Approval

We know that conversion means everything. Let me take care of it, so you can focus on what matters most to you.



Customer Satisfaction

About Kenneth Tan

Loan Conversion is
Meant Everything for me

  • Collaborate with More than
    10+ active bank

Why choose me? Because I’m dedicated to delivering results. With a strong focus on every detail, I put in 100% effort to ensure the best outcomes for you. I understand the importance of conversion and work tirelessly to make sure your needs are met, allowing you to focus on what truly matters to you. Let me handle the hard work and provide you with peace of mind every step of the way.

Certified Company

Iterative approaches to corporate foster collaborative .

Services I Covered

Talk to me and see
how can we work

House Loan Calculator

Calculate Your Monthly

Loan Amount

RM10000 RM5000000


36 420

Interest Rate

3 12

*These calculators are provided only as general self-help Planning Tools. Results depend on other factors.

Monthly Estimation
Monthly Installment RM

Total Interest RM

Total Amount Payable RM

Total Amount Payable Months

Interest Rate %

Apply For Loan
Kenneth MWMBusiness Loan
Trusted Company

Our Loans will Fill Your Dreams Come True

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  • 99%

    We Approve Loans

  • $90 k

    Daily Payments

Vernon Ray


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Why Me

Why Kenneth?

My main goal is CONVERSION. I’ll put in 100% effort and explore every possibility to make it happen: APPROVAL.
Loan Status Update 100%
Solutions 99%
Approval 96%
Sign & Conversion 93%
  • 100%

    Loan Update

  • 99%


  • 96%


  • 93%

    Sign & Conversion

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How It Works In Easy Way


Meet Up

Face-to-face meetings for a more effective and tailored approach.



Open discussions to explore your options and find the best solutions.


Submit Document

Gather and submit the necessary documents to proceed smoothly.



Congrats! Your loan is approved. I’ll let you know what to do next.

Info Update

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tips on Financial


在马来西亚,再融资(Refinance)是一种越来越受欢迎的财务策略,尤其是当市场利率下降或您的财务状况改善时。通过再融资,您可以将现有的贷款转移到另一家银行,以获得更低的利率、更长的还款期限或更灵活的还款方式。 本文将为您详细介绍再融资的优势、申请条件及步骤,帮助您做出明智的财务决策。 2. 什么是再融资? 再融资是指将现有的贷款(如房屋贷款、个人贷款或汽车贷款)转移到另一家银行或金融机构,以获得更好的贷款条件。通过再融资,您可以: 3. 再融资的优势 1. 降低利率如果市场利率下降,再融资可以帮助您锁定更低的利率,从而节省大量利息支出。 2. 减少每月还款额通过延长还款期限或降低利率,您可以减少每月的还款压力。 3. 提取额外资金如果您有房屋净值,再融资可以帮您提取现金,用于装修、投资或其他用途。 4. 合并债务通过再融资,您可以将多个高利率贷款合并为一个低利率贷款,简化还款流程并节省利息。 4. 再融资的申请条件 在马来西亚,申请再融资需要满足以下条件: 5. 再融资的申请步骤 申请再融资的流程简单明了,以下是主要步骤: 6. 再融资的注意事项 […]

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马来西亚第二家园计划 (MM2H):指南与申请步骤

1. 介绍 马来西亚第二家园计划(MM2H)是一个长期居留计划,旨在吸引外国人移居马来西亚,享受这里的生活方式、低生活成本和高品质的医疗服务。无论是退休人士、企业家还是希望为孩子提供国际教育的家庭,MM2H都是一个理想的选择。 本文将为您介绍MM2H政策、申请条件及步骤,帮助您顺利开启第二家园之旅。 2. 什么是MM2H? MM2H是马来西亚政府推出的长期居留计划,允许外国人在马来西亚居住长达10年,并可无限次续签。参与者可以在这里购买房产、开设银行账户,并享受免税优惠。 主要优势: 3. MM2H政策 2023年,MM2H政策进行了调整,以下是主要变化: 4. MM2H申请步骤 (点击申请MM2H) 申请MM2H的流程简单明了,以下是主要步骤: 5. MM2H的优势与挑战 优势: 挑战: 6. 常见问题解答 Q1: MM2H签证可以工作吗?A: […]

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Subsale vs. New Project: Which Mortgage Loan is Right for You in Malaysia?

Buying a property is one of the biggest financial decisions you’ll ever make. In Malaysia, you have two main options: subsale properties (owned by individuals) […]

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